viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Nearest to Texas than the US?

Monterrey is the capital of Nuevo León state, in the north east side of Mexico.

It's less than two hours of the border with Texas, about 4 hours from San Antonio, 5 from Austin, 6 from Houston and 7 from Dallas.

Considering the distances, Monterrey is nearer to All the Texas market than any other US City above 3 million people.

As you know, Texas is the biggest of the contiguous 48 states, with a territory of more than 700,000 square kilometers.

We also have border crossings near:

Laredo Tx - Nuevo Laredo (2 hours)
Pharr Tx- Reynosa (2 hours)
Hidalgo Tx- Reynosa (2 hours)
Columbia  Tx- Colombia (2.2 hours)
Eagle Pass Tx - Piedras Negras Coahuila (4 hours)

Mexico have very nice highways connected to the border cityes above.

The mexican border is the busiest border in all the world, with more than a million people crossing every day. And Texas is the State of the US that have the biggest border area with Mexico.

Texas is a dynamic state of more than 20 million people, and one of the most important state in political and economical view.

You may consider as an excellent oportunity to invest in Monterrey to get cheap and first quality products to sell in al Texas. There are several companies who choice this city as their front door to Mexico.

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